Memories of a lifetime are made from the simplest pleasures, ones that don’t necessarily include buying a $50 personalized teddy bear or a $200 video game system.

Here at Considerable, we brainstormed and came up with a list of 100 free things to do with your grandchildren of all ages. You might need some materials — like construction paper, paint, uncooked pasta, or an old shoe box. But, for the most part, these activities are free and provide the little diversions in life that make the bond between you and your grandchildren even stronger.

1. Explore the Secrets of a Dollar Bill 2. Bury Someone in the Sand
3. Personalize Place Mats 4. Put Together a Time Capsule
5. Make a Coaster 6. Make Your Own Stickers
7. Make Noisemakers 8. Celebrate Backward Day
9. Play Two Truths and One Lie 10. Listen to Vinyl Records
11. Play Croquet in the Backyard 12. Get Manicures and Pedicures
13. Create Your Own Colored Clay 14. Do Some Leaf Rubbing
15. Make Water in the Desert 16. Make a Dandelion Necklace
17. Make a Battery Out of a Potato 18. Redesign Your Fridge
19. Play Marco Polo 20. Play Statues
21. Cook With Only What You Have 22. Sing a Song Together
23. Work With Tools 24. Take Photos
25. Craft a Bird Feeder 26. Have a Dizzy Bat Race
27. Play Rock, Paper, Scissors 28. Make a Mentos Soda Explosion
29. Play Simon Says 30. Erupt a Vinegar Volcano
31. Catch Fireflies 32. Play Hangman
33. Play a Game of H-O-R-S-E 34. Throw a Dance Party
35. Capture the Flag 36. Start a Puzzle
37. Play Red-Light, Green-Light 38. Build Cushion Forts
39. Write Your Own Quizzes 40. Make Cardboard Box Forts
41. Swap Skills 42. Have a Sunday Sundae Party
43. Stand an Egg on Its End 44. Try Your Hand at ‘Snow Dots’
45. Play “Exquisite Corpse” 46. Throw a Fudge Party
47. Go on a Scavenger Hunt 48. Make Snow Angels
49. Create a Story That Goes and Goes 50. Tell Jokes